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Summary for experienced HPC user

  1. To access TARA, ssh to [username], where [username] is your registered TARA username.

  2. Each user is allocated with 50 GB home directory ($HOME).

  3. The project directory(s) (/tarafs/data/project/[projxxxx]-[short-name]/) has 200 GB of space to be shared among all users in the project; where [projxxxx] is project id and [short-name] is its short name.

  4. There is a scratch directory (/tarafs/scratch/[projxxxx]-[short-name]/) which is a fast read & write via read-intensive SSD. For temporary file only, files will  be removed after 30 days of last access.

  5. Software are managed as modules using Environment module system (Lmod).

  6. TARA usage is subjected to fairshare policy and managed by Slurm job scheduler. Examples of Slurm batch script for specific applications can be found at การติดตั้งและการงานใช้ Application.

TARA System Overview

An up-to-date overview of TARA system can be found at Resources – ThaiSC.


This is a suggested workflow for users when using TARA

Table of Contents


1. Logging in to TARA


The connection through VPN is required to access TARA. The instruction how to setup and connect to the VPN can be found in your email.



For a first time login to TARA, you will be asked to set your new password.

  1. enter your Current password

  2. enter your New password

  3. re-enter your New password

5. The connection between SSH session and TARA is now established. You will see the welcome message. All commands executed in this session are run on TARA.


2. Transferring file to TARA

Each user is allocated with 50 GB home directory ($HOME) and project directory(s) (/tarafs/data/project/proj[xxxx]-[short-name]/) of 200 GB to be shared among all users in the project.


3. Click OK, then SFTP session will start. Now, you can drag and drop files to transfer files between TARA and your local machine.


3. Checking Software availability

TARA has reasonable number of software installed. These software are managed by module framework using Environment module system (Lmod). (YouTube :



For more information about LMOD system please see การใช้งาน module ใน TARA Cluster

4. Software/Application installation (if applicable)

If TARA does not have the software(s) you need installed, you can install them by yourself in either your home directory or your project directory. Please make sure that you have the software license and the license term allows to run the software on TARA.

We support EasyBuild (, see การใช้งาน local module ใน TARA Cluster for the step by step instruction to install software as a local module. You can also check การติดตั้งและการงานใช้ Application for some specific software installation/setup instruction.


5. Running Jobs

Check TARA HPC status

Before submitting your job to run on TARA, you can check available computational resources or status of partitions by using sinfo command.



If you want to try to submit a sample job we recommend to check out our or For DGX partition, you can try

The example of Slurm batch script for specific applications can be found in the การติดตั้งและการงานใช้ Application.


6. Checking job status

Check job status

To check your job status, using squeue -u [username] myqueue command.

Example :

Code Block
[hpcuser@tara-frontend-1 ~]$ squeue -u hpcusermyqueue
            151602   compute    test3  hpcuser PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
            140215   compute    test2  hpcuser  R   03:25:08      1 tara-c-055
            149496   compute    test1  hpcuser  R 2-02:11:27      1 tara-c-042


To cancel the job in the queue, using scancel [JOBID] command

Example : scancel 140215


7. Transferring files to local machine

To transfer files from TARA to your local machine, you can use FTP client such as FileZilla, WinSCP, MobaXterm, etc.. In this document, we demonstrate this process using MobaXterm.


2. Drag file/directory from TARA and drop at your local machine


8. Checking resource usage and remaining quota

Service Unit

You can see the usage quantity and the remaining amount of the service unit (SU) by using sbalance. You can see SU usage by users by using -d flag (i.e. sbalance -d)



Caution : If your disk usage reach the quota limits either disk space limits or file count limits, you are NOT allowed to create a new file or copy/move a file to your home and project directory.


9. Removing unnecessary files

You can free up your disk space by removing unnecessary files. You can remove file by using rm [file] command and remove directory by using rm -r [directory] command.


ls -l is the command to list files or directories in the current location


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