Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is a common atmospheric modeling system developed by NCAR. It is suitable for both meteorological research and operational weather prediction.
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More information about ThaiSC custom commands for WPS and WRF modules can be found by using commands such as |
Some options do not support hybrid run; in these cases, try
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
andexport OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
,increasing the total number of tasks, e.g.,
#SBATCH --ntasks=64
specifying the number of tasks for each executable explicitly, for example,
srun -n16 ./real.exe
srun -n64 -c1 ./wrf.exe
3. Job submission
To submit jobs to SLURM queuing system on LANTA, execute sbatch
Other main packages installed in netcdf-py39
are NCO, CDO, netcdf4-python, wrf-python, pyngl, pynio and cartopy.
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