Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is a well-known atmospheric modeling system developed by NCAR. It is suitable for both meteorological research and operational weather prediction.
Below is an example of a WRF submission script. It can be created using vi
. To ensure whole node allocation, please verify that 128 x (Number of nodes) = (Number of MPI processes per node) x (Number of OpenMP threads per MPI processes)
Code Block | ||
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#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p compute # Partition #SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 # Number of MPI processes per node #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 # Number of OpenMP threads per MPI process #SBATCH -t 02:00:00 # Job runtime limit #SBATCH -J WRF # Job name #SBATCH -A ltxxxxxx # Account *** {USER EDIT} *** module purge module load WPS/4.4-DM-cpeCray-23.03 module load WRF/4.4.2-DMSM-cpeCray-23.03 export OMP_STACKSIZE="32M" export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ulimit -s unlimited # *** {USER EDIT} *** # # Please check that namelist.wps and namelist.input are in this same directory link_grib /--Path-to-your-meteorological-data--/ link_vtable /--Name-of-Vtable-to-parse-the-above-met-data--/ # -- WPS -- # link_wps srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./geogrid.exe srun -N1 -n1 ./ungrib.exe srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./metgrid.exe unlink_wps # -- WRF -- # link_emreal srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./real.exe srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} -c${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ./wrf.exe unlink_emreal |
Note |
Some options do not support hybrid run (such as running WRF-Chem). If this is the case, do the following:
3. Job submission
Other main packages installed in netcdf-py39
are NCO, CDO, netcdf4-python, wrf-python, pyngl, pynio and cartopy.
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