Updated: 15 December September 2024
Table of Contents |
minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 4 |
style | circle |
Info |
This guide is largely derived from https://opentopas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started/Debian.html#. It is recommended to visit the page for more detailed explanation of each [Step X] . |
1. Load required modules and set environment variables [Step 1-4]
Paste the below lines into your terminal. (Putting Do NOT put these directly in ~/.bashrc is not recommended.)
Code Block |
module purge
module load expat/2.5.0
module load module purgeX11/20231019-cpeCray-23.03
module load libGLU/9.0.3-cpeCray-23.03
module load ParallelIOHarfBuzz/
module load METIS/5.1.0-cpeIntel-23.09
export OPENMP=true
### Common mistake :: insert spaces before or after = |
2. Download MPAS source code
An example for MPAS 8.0.1 is as shown below.
Code Block |
export CC=cc CXX=CC FC=ftn F77=ftn F90=ftn |
2. Download Geant4 [Step 5]
Code Block |
mkdir $HOME/Applications/GEANT4
cd $HOME/Applications/GEANT4
wget https://gitlab.cern.ch/geant4/geant4/-/archive/v11.1.3/geant4-v11.1.3.tar.gz
tar -zxf geant4-v11.1.3.tar.gz |
3. Install Geant4 [Step 7]
Code Block |
cd $HOME/Applications/GEANT4/
rm -rf geant4-install geant4-build
mkdir geant4-{build,install}
cd geant4-build
make -j8 install
cd $HOME/Applications/GEANT4/geant4-install
ln -s lib64 lib |
4. Download G4DATA [Step 6]
Note |
As of 10 September 2024, there is a connection issue between transfer.lanta.nstda.or.th and https://cern.ch/.Therefore, G4DATA was previously downloaded by ThaiSC admin and temporarily made available at /project/common/G4DATA . |
Code Block |
cd $HOME/Applications/GEANT4/
cp -r /project/common/G4DATA . |
5. Download OpenTOPAS [Step 8.1]
Code Block |
mkdir $HOME/Applications/TOPAS
cd $HOME/Applications/TOPAS
git clone https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model/archive/refs/tags/v8.0.1.tar.gz
tar xzf v8.0.1.tar.gz
mv MPAS-Model-8.0.1 MPAS
cd MPAS |
3. Compile MPAS
Compile each MPAS core with your desired floating-point precision; for example,
Code Block |
make -j4 intel-nersc CORE=init_atmosphere PRECISION=single AUTOCLEAN=true
make -j4 intel-nersc CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single AUTOCLEAN=true
... |
Info |
User still has to use make clean CORE=XXX before recompiling each core. |
Additional notes:
CORE=ocean only supports double precision.
CORE=seaice only supports double precision and only serial build (-j1) works.
Users may have to add parentheses for the print function, i.e., print xxx → print(xxx), in
to make these files compatible with Python3.
6. Install GDCM [Step 8.2-8.3]
If $HOME/Applications/GDCM
already exists, rename it to another name such as mv $HOME/Applications/GDCM $HOME/Applications/GDCM-OLD
before proceed.
Code Block |
mkdir $HOME/Applications/GDCM
cd $HOME/Applications/TOPAS/OpenTOPAS
mv gdcm-2.6.8.tar.gz ../../GDCM
cd ../../GDCM
tar -zxf gdcm-2.6.8.tar.gz
rm -rf gdcm-install gdcm-build
mkdir gdcm-{build,install}
cd gdcm-build
make -j8 install |
7. Install OpenTOPAS [Step 8.4]
Code Block |
cd $HOME/Applications/TOPAS
rm -rf OpenTOPAS-install OpenTOPAS-build
mkdir OpenTOPAS-{build,install}
cd OpenTOPAS-build
export Geant4_DIR=$HOME/Applications/GEANT4/geant4-install
export GDCM_DIR=$HOME/Applications/GDCM/gdcm-install
cmake ../OpenTOPAS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../OpenTOPAS-install
make -j8 install |
8. Create a wrapper script of topas
[Step 9.1.b]
Code Block |
mkdir $HOME/Applications/shellScripts
cd $HOME/Applications/shellScripts
cat << Eof > topas
module purge
module load expat/2.5.0
module load X11/20231019-cpeCray-23.03
module load libGLU/9.0.3-cpeCray-23.03
module load HarfBuzz/8.2.2-cpeCray-23.03
export TOPAS_G4_DATA_DIR=$HOME/Applications/GEANT4/G4DATA
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/Applications/TOPAS/OpenTOPAS-install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/Applications/GEANT4/geant4-install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$HOME/Applications/TOPAS/OpenTOPAS-install/bin/topas $1
chomd +x topas
echo 'export PATH=~/Applications/shellScripts:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc |
9. Run OpenTOPAS on LANTA
Note |
Since OpenTOPAS does NOT installed with Qt, b:Ts/UseQt = "False" must always be used. |
Two approaches for running OpenTOPAS on LANTA are presented below.
The first approach using sbatch
command is generally recommended. However, users MUST ensure that b:Ts/PauseBeforeQuit
is set to "False"
, otherwise your job will run on the system until time out, wasting your SHr!
The second approach using sinteract
command can be useful. However, this method is not recommended if your internet connection is poor or you have to run topas
for a long time.
A. Job submission script
Below is a template of OpenTOPAS job script. It can be created using vi submitTOPAS.sh
. Edit it to meet your demands.
Code Block |
#SBATCH -p compute # Partition
#SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodesnode
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=641 # Number of MPI processes per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=216 # Number of OpenMP threads per MPI process
#SBATCH -t 5-00120:00:00 # Job runtime limit
#SBATCH -A ltxxxxxx # Account *** {USER EDIT} ***
module purge
module load ParallelIO/2.6.2-cpeIntel-23.09
module load METIS/5.1.0-cpeIntel-23.09
export OMP_STACKSIZE="32M"
ulimit -s unlimited
srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} -c${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ./init_atmosphere_model
srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} -c${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ./atmosphere_model |
Info |
MPAS static geographical datasets are available at /project/common/MPAS_Static/ , while WPS static datasets are available at /project/common/WPS_Static/geog . Users can choose one of them as config_geog_data_path in namelist.init_atmosphere .source $HOME/.bashrc
echo "Use topas = $(which topas)"
topas xxx.txt # Your case *** {USER EDIT} *** |
Note |
In your case file, b:Ts/PauseBeforeQuit MUST set to "False" , otherwise your job will run indefinitely until time out. |
To submit this job script to the SLURM queuing system, execute
Code Block |
sbatch submitTOPAS.sh |
(Also see https://thaisc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LANTA/pages/447021064/Quick+Start+Guide#6.-Running-your-job)
B. Interactive session
You can directly access LANTA computing nodes by requesting an interactive session. For example, execute
Code Block |
sinteract -p compute -c 16 -t 06:00:00 |
(You could add -X
option to enable X11 forwarding for OpenGL-related features such as CopyOpenGLToSVG
. Please visit Interactive session before using this capability)
After the requested resources are allocated, you can use this session to run topas
and interactively execute Geant4 commands afterwards. For example,
Code Block |
topas $HOME/Applications/TOPAS/OpenTOPAS-install/examples/Basic/TwoBeams.txt |
Contact Us
ThaiSC support service : thaisc-support@nstda.or.th