Checking spent SHr in jobs

sbill command is only available in LANTA login/frontend node ( It is NOT available in transfer node (

Checking spent SHr

To see how much SHr was used in each job, use sbill command.

For example,

hpcuser@x3002c0s7b0n0:~> sbill JobID JobName Account Partition NCPUS NGPUS Elapsed State SHr 970524 bwa-index lt200199 compute 64 0 00:00:15 COMPLETED 0.002 970526 Trinity lt200199 memory 128 0 00:00:31 COMPLETED 0.034 970527 GROMACS_4G lt200199 gpu 64 4 00:00:10 FAILED 0.008 970530 GROMACS_1G lt200199 gpu 16 1 00:00:31 RUNNING 0.006 ---------- ---------- ---------- Total SHr spent = 0.051 Total CPU-core-hour granted = 1.68 Total GPU-card-hour granted = 0.02 Total displayed/filtered jobs = 4

By default, sbill shows jobs that run on the current day. If there is no related job, it will show as below.

hpcuser@x3002c0s9b0n0:~> sbill *** No jobs to be displayed ***

The results from sbill is updated in real-time.

Useful tips

To check SHr spent for given jobs

sbill -j [jobID]

[jobID] is the ID of job(s) that you want to check SHr. [jobID] can be multiple, e.g. 970524,970524.

To check SHr spent in a specific period

This command list jobs that start running after the date given in -S and before the date given in -E. If specify a long period, it will take a while to print out the result.

To check SHr spent in a specific period account

[accout] is your project account that was used to run the jobs, e.g. lt200199.

For more information, please use sbill --help

Related article: Checking remaining resources