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Updated: 26 July 2023

1. Load required modules and set environment variables

module purge
module load cpeIntel/23.03
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel
module load cray-parallel-netcdf
module load libpng/1.6.37-cpeIntel-23.03
module load JasPer/1.900.1-cpeIntel-23.03
module load flex/2.6.4

export WRF_EM_CORE=1    # Explicitly select ARW core developed by NCAR
export WRF_NMM_CORE=0   # Not NMM core
export WRF_DA_CORE=0    # Not WRFDA
export WRF_CHEM=1       # Select WRF-Chem

export JASPERINC=${EBROOTJASPER}/include              # (Optional)
export JASPERLIB=${EBROOTJASPER}/lib                  # (Optional)

export WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1                 # (Optional)
export PNETCDF_QUILT=1                                # (Optional)

export WRF_KPP=1
export FLEX=flex
export YACC='/usr/bin/yacc -d'

### Common mistake :: insert spaces before or after =

2. Set install location directory (DIR)

Let set an install path, DIR.

# While being in your desired install location directory, execute
export DIR=$(pwd)

3. Download WRF source code

An example for WRF 4.5 is as shown below.

cd $DIR
tar xzf v4.5.tar.gz
mv WRFV4.5 WRF

Some chemistry options may be incompatible with the most recent WRF release. Users may need to compile WRF-Chem using older versions.

For other version, check the WRF stable branches on the GitHub repository and its official website. For WRF 3.X, users have to add ./WRFV3/chem folder with these.

4. Enable GRIB2 IO (Optional)

Must set JASPERINC and JASPERLIB in Step 1

  • Open ${DIR}/WRF/arch/ (or using a text editor such as vi

    • Change the parameter $I_really_want_to_output_grib2_from_WRF from "FALSE" to "TRUE"

vi ${DIR}/WRF/arch/           # or
# Change $I_really_want_to_output_grib2_from_WRF = "FALSE" ; 
#   to   $I_really_want_to_output_grib2_from_WRF = "TRUE" ;

5. Configure

5.1 Run ./configure

cd ${DIR}/WRF
# Type 50, then press Enter <-- (dmpar) INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC
# Type 1, then press Enter  <-- Basic nesting 

5.2 Edit configure.wrf

  • Open ${DIR}/WRF/configure.wrf using a text editor such as vi

    • Append -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-implicit-int to cc.

    • Prepend -fp-model precise -fp-speculation=safe to FCBASEOPTS_NO_G.

vi configure.wrf
# Change  DM_CC = cc
#   to    DM_CC = cc -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-implicit-int
# Change  FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -w -ftz -fno-alias -align all $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO)
#   to    FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -fp-model precise -fp-speculation=safe -w -ftz -fno-alias -align all $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO) 

5.3 Replace ./share/landread.c with ./share/landread.c.dist

(Only required for some versions, such as 3.6.1, 3.8.1 and

cp ${DIR}/WRF/share/landread.c.dist ${DIR}/WRF/share/landread.c

5.4 Edit ./chem/KPP/kpp/kpp-2.1/src/Makefile

(Only required for some versions, i.e., 3.6.1 and 3.8.1)

  • Remove all -ll in -lfl -ll -o kpp

5.5 Replace KPP folder + Use cpeGNU with two additional flags

(Only required for some versions, i.e., 3.6.1)

  • Replace ./chem/KPP folder with a newer KPP, e.g., of 3.8.1.

  • Use cpeGNU → Type 34 → Type 1

  • Change compilers from gfortran, gcc to cc and ftn

  • append -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz to FCBASEOPTS_NO_G

6. Compile WRF-Chem

./compile em_real 2>&1 | tee compile.wrfchem.log   # This step takes around 1 hours on LANTA.

7. Example: Job submission script

#SBATCH -p compute              # Partition
#SBATCH -N 1                    # Number of nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128   # Number of MPI processes per node
#SBATCH -t 5-00:00:00           # Job runtime limit
#SBATCH -J WRFchem              # Job name
#SBATCH -A ltxxxxxx             # Account *** {USER EDIT} ***

module purge
module load cpeIntel/23.03
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel
module load cray-parallel-netcdf
module load libpng/1.6.37-cpeIntel-23.03
module load JasPer/1.900.1-cpeIntel-23.03
module load flex/2.6.4


ulimit -s unlimited

#srun -n16 ./geogrid.exe
#srun -N1 -n1 ./ungrib.exe
#srun -n16 ./metgrid.exe

srun -n16 ./real.exe
srun ./wrf.exe

A. Compile convert_emiss.exe (Optional)

./compile emi_conv 2>&1 | tee compile.convert_emiss.log

CONVERT_EMISS of some WRF releases could cause an unexpected segmentation fault at runtime (see this and this). CONVERT_EMISS of WRF 3.6.1 and 4.5 are recommended.

B. Compile WRF-Chem preprocessing tools (Optional)

module purge
module load cpeIntel/23.03
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel

export FC=ifort 

# GNU 
# --> FC=gfortran
# --> Add -fallow-argument-mismatch

tar xzf ./WRFprechem_XXX.tar.gz

cd ./WRFchem_pre/anthro/src/
csh make_anthro  
cd ../
ln -s ./src/anthro_emis .
cd ../../

cd ./WRFchem_pre/bio/src/
csh make_util megan_bio_emiss 
cd ../
ln -s ./src/megan_bio_emiss .
cd ../../    

cd ./WRFchem_pre/mozbc/src/
csh make_mozbc  
cd ../
ln -s ./src/mozbc .
cd ../../

cd ./WRFchem_pre/fire/src/
csh make_fire_emis   
cd ../
ln -s ./src/fire_emis .
cd ../../

cd ./WRFchem_pre/oxygen/src/
csh make_util wesely
csh make_util exo_coldens
cd ../
ln -s ./src/exo_coldens .
ln -s ./src/wesely .
cd ../../

Official mozbc have NOT yet support the hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate presented in WRF V3.9 and later. Although there seem to be a workaround (, please proceed with caution.

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