Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is a common atmospheric modeling system developed by NCAR. It is suitable for both meteorological research and operational weather prediction.
Official website:
Updated: Feb 2023
Available version
WRF Version | Module name |
4.4.2 | WRF/4.4.2-DMSM-CrayCCE-22.06 |
WPS Version | Module name |
4.4 | WPS/4.4-DM-CrayCCE-22.06 |
1. Input file
1.1 To drive the WRF model, time-dependent meteorological data (global model output/background state) is required. It can be downloaded from, for example, WRF - Free Data and NCEP GFS / GDAS.
1.2 To set domain configuration and simulation time, namelist.wps is needed. A short detail can be found here. It is advised to define WRF domains using WRF Domain Wizard or GIS4WRF plug-in for QGIS.
Users can use static geographical data already available on LANTA by specifyinggeo_data_path = '/project/common/WPS_Static/geog'
1.3 To run the WRF model, namelist.input is needed. A concise information of essential parameters can be found here, while full description is available in chapter 5 of WRF user's guide.
2. Job submission script
An example of WRF submission script is shown below. It could be created by vi
. For whole node allocation, please confirm that 128 x (Number of nodes) = (Number of MPI processes) x (Number of OpenMP threads per MPI processes)
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p compute # Partition #SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes #SBATCH --ntasks=16 # Number of MPI processes #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 # Number of OpenMP threads per MPI process #SBATCH -t 02:00:00 # Job runtime limit #SBATCH -J WRF # Job name #SBATCH -A ltXXXXXX # Account *** {USER EDIT} *** module purge module load WPS/4.4-DM-CrayCCE-22.06 module load WRF/4.4.2-DMSM-CrayCCE-22.06 ### A fix for CrayMPICH, until further notice ### module load craype-network-ucx module swap cray-mpich cray-mpich-ucx module load libfabric/ export UCX_TLS=all export UCX_WARN_UNUSED_ENV_VARS=n # -- (Recommended) -- # export OMP_STACKSIZE="32MB" export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ulimit -s unlimited # *** {USER EDIT} *** # # Please check that namelist.wps and namelist.input are in this same directory link_grib /--Path-to-your-meteorological-data--/ link_vtable /--Name-of-Vtable-to-parse-the-above-met-data--/ # -- WPS -- # link_wps srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./geogrid.exe srun -n1 ./ungrib.exe srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./metgrid.exe unlink_wps # -- WRF -- # link_emreal srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} ./real.exe srun -n${SLURM_NTASKS} -c${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} ./wrf.exe unlink_emreal
More information about ThaiSC custom commands for WPS and WRF modules can be found by using commands such as link_wps --help
, man link_emreal
or module help WRF
3. Job submission
To submit jobs to SLURM queuing system on LANTA, execute sbatch
If WPS and WRF jobs are going to be submitted separately, users could use --dependency
option of sbatch command to ensure that WRF starts running after WPS is completed.
A complete example is available at /project/common/WRF/Example1
. To run it under a directory, use cp /project/common/WRF/Example1/* .
, vi
to edit the account and execute sbatch
4. Post-processing
Several tools for processing NetCDF files are available in Conda environments such as netcdf-py39
. To use NCL, for instance, add
module load Miniconda3 conda activate netcdf-py39 # For NCL only export NCARG_ROOT=${CONDA_PREFIX} export NCARG_RANGS=/project/common/WPS_Static/rangs export NCARG_SHAPEFILE=/project/common/WPS_Static/shapefile # (If used) # Commands such as 'srun -n1 ncl xxx' or 'srun -n1 python xxx'
Other main packages installed in netcdf-py39
are NCO, CDO, netcdf4-python, wrf-python, pyngl, pynio and cartopy.
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