WRF-Chem tools
1. Installation
Paste the below recipe to your terminal
module purge module load cpeIntel/23.03 module load cray-hdf5-parallel module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel export FC=ifort export NETCDF_DIR=${CRAY_NETCDF_HDF5PARALLEL_PREFIX} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # GNU # --> FC=gfortran # --> Add -fallow-argument-mismatch tar xzf ./WRFprechem_XXX.tar.gz # ANTHRO cd ./WRFchem_pre/anthro/src/ csh make_anthro cd ../ ln -s ./src/anthro_emis . cd ../../ # BIO cd ./WRFchem_pre/bio/src/ csh make_util megan_bio_emiss cd ../ ln -s ./src/megan_bio_emiss . cd ../../ # MOZBC cd ./WRFchem_pre/mozbc/src/ csh make_mozbc cd ../ ln -s ./src/mozbc . cd ../../ # FIRE cd ./WRFchem_pre/fire/src/ csh make_fire_emis cd ../ ln -s ./src/fire_emis . cd ../../ # OXYGEN cd ./WRFchem_pre/oxygen/src/ csh make_util wesely csh make_util exo_coldens cd ../ ln -s ./src/exo_coldens . ln -s ./src/wesely . cd ../../
2. Example: Job submission script
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p memory # Partition #SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 # Number of MPI processes per node #SBATCH -t 5-00:00:00 # Job runtime limit #SBATCH -J WRFchem # Job name #SBATCH -A ltxxxxxx # Account *** {USER EDIT} *** module purge module load cpeIntel/23.03 module load cray-hdf5-parallel module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ulimit -s unlimited ./megan_bio_emiss < megan_bio_emiss.inp > megan_bio_emiss.log ./anthro_emis < anthro_emis.inp > anthro_emis.log ./fire_emis < fire_emis.inp > fire_emis.log ./wesely < wesely.inp > wesely.log ./exo_coldens < exo_coldens.inp > exo_coldens.log #./mozbc_hybridcoord < mozbc_ic.inp > mozbc_ic.log #./mozbc_hybridcoord < mozbc_bc.inp > mozbc_bc.log
For more information, please explore /project/common/WRF/Example2/
The standard dataset for the tool (global_emissions_v3_24aug2015.tar.gz
) is available on LANTA at /project/common/WPS_Static/Global_emissions_v3.
1. Download
wget tar -xzf prep_chem_sources_v1.5_24aug2015.tar.gz
2. Load modules
module purge module load cpeGNU/23.03 module load cray-hdf5-parallel module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel module load zlib/1.2.13
3. Edit source codes
cd PREP-CHEM-SRC-1.5 vi ./bin/build/ # 1. Edit NETCDF to --> NETCDF=$(CRAY_NETCDF_HDF5PARALLEL_PREFIX) # 2. Edit HDF5 to --> HDF5=$(CRAY_HDF5_PARALLEL_PREFIX) # 3. Edit the last three of HDF5_LIB to --> -L$(EBROOTZLIB)/lib -lz -ldl # 4. Append -fallow-argument-mismatch to F_OPTS
Edit the file, edgar_emissions.f90, to be compatible with the new gfortran standard (see)
vi ./src/edgar_emissions.f90 # *** Edit initialization of "setor" variable *** # ---> Add spaces so that they all have equal length, that is, # character(len=20), dimension(NSETOR) :: setor=(/& # 'AGRICULTURE',& # 'ENERGY ',& # 'INDUSTRY ',& # 'RESIDENTIAL',& # 'TRANSPORT '/)
4. Compile prep_chem_sources
cd ./bin/build make OPT=gfortran.wrf CHEM=RADM_WRF_FIM AER=SIMPLE
User could pass other CHEM and/or AER.
Prep_Chem_Sources can be compiled using Intel compiler as well, the differences are
Load ‘cpeIntel’ instead of ‘cpeGNU’
Edit '' instead of ‘’
Edit NETCDF, HDF5 and HDF5_LIB as above, but don’t edit F_OPTS
Edit ‘./src/convert_edgar_to_RELACS_REAC.f90’ instead of './src/edgar_emissions.f90'
Comment out ‘use chem1_list'
(We slightly prefer GNU over Intel compilers due to this step)
Use ‘OPT=intel.wrf’ instead of ‘OPT=gfortran.wrf’
For more information, please explore /project/common/WRF/Example2/
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