Incorrect storage quota

If you notice that your storage quota is incorrect (e.g. quota presents in user home instead of project directory and leads to disk quota exceeded), please follow the instruction below.

cd /project/lt2000xxx-abcd ll chgrp -R lt2000xxx [yourfolder]

The reason for the incorrect storage quota is inappropriate group ownership of directories/files. This can be checked by using ll or ls -l command and look and the column 4. The appropriate group ownership should be project ID.

For example, at line 4, the column 4 is hpcuser1 instead of lt200199. This makes storage quota of Folder2 (and all files in it) count toward user home.

hpcuser1@x3002c0s9b0n0:/project/common> ll total 29 drwxr-sr-x 3 hpcuser1 lt200199 4096 May 12 2023 Folder1 drwxr-sr-x 2 hpcuser1 hpcuser1 4096 Jul 17 2023 Folder2 drwxr-sr-x 20 hpcuser2 lt200199 4096 Dec 25 16:31 Folder3 drwxr-sr-x 4 hpcuser1 lt200199 4096 Jan 3 09:13 Folder4

To change the group owner, use the following command.

chgrp -R lt2000xxx [yourfolder]

The -R means recursive. With this option, chgrp will change the group ownership of a specified folder and all files/directories in it.