ThaiSC user account registration

Please follow the instructions to obtain ThaiSC user account.

1. Go to ThaiSC website and click Login/Register (

2. Click Sign Up

Figure 1.2 Login/Register page

3. Please complete the registration form and press the “Sign Up” button.

4. After signing up, you will receive e-mail from ThaiSC for email verification.

Figure 1.4 Create Account page (continued)

5. The email you received contains a link that must be clicked to verify your email address.

6. After confirming your email, please create your password.

7. Please remember your username and password.

This username will same as your username on LANTA, but your password will use for this website only.

8. Verify user identity

Please enter your birth date and the laser code located on the back of your Thai national ID card.

These data won't be stored in ThaiSC's systems; they will only be used for verification purposes. All users have to read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of use and condition for create LANTA account.

9. After you finished the verification, the system will bring you to the login page.

10. The system will display your profile and verified status after you login to the portal.