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If you notice that your storage quota is incorrect (e.g. quota presents in user home instead of project directory), please follow the instruction below.

cd /project/lt2000xxx-abcd
chgrp -R lt2000xxx [yourfolder]
 technical explanation

The reason for the incorrect storage quota is inappropriate group ownership of directories/files. This can be checked by using ll or ls -l command and look and the column 4. The appropriate group ownership should be project ID.

For example, at line 4, the column 4 is hpcuser1 instead of lt200199. This makes storage quota of Folder2 (and all files in it) count toward user home.

hpcuser1@x3002c0s9b0n0:/project/common> ll
total 29
drwxr-sr-x  3 hpcuser1 lt200199 4096 May 12  2023 Folder1
drwxr-sr-x  2 hpcuser1 hpcuser1 4096 Jul 17  2023 Folder2
drwxr-sr-x 20 hpcuser2 lt200199 4096 Dec 25 16:31 Folder3
drwxr-sr-x  4 hpcuser1 lt200199 4096 Jan  3 09:13 Folder4

To change the group owner, use the following command.

chgrp -R lt2000xxx [yourfolder]

The -R means recursive. With this option, chgrp will change the group ownership of a specified folder and all files/directories in it.

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