Amber Installation [EN]
Software website :
Amber20 for CPU Installation
This is for running Amber20 on compute and memory node(s).
Obtain Amber20 at and download source codes
Upload and extract amber source codes at your project home director
cd /tarafs/data/project/projxxxx #change projxxxx to your project ID tar xvfj AmberTools20.tar.bz2 tar xvfj Amber20.tar.bz2
Set the AMBERHOME home directory environment variable
cd amber20_src export AMBERHOME=$PWD
Load modules and prepare for AMBER20 installation
module purge module load bzip2/1.0.8-GCCcore-8.3.0 module load GCC/8.3.0 module load XZ/5.2.4-GCCcore-8.3.0
Go to the amber directory and execute the compilation script
Install and test
After the installation is successful, you can compile parallel (MPI) versions of Amber20 by load OpenMPI module
Then, recompilation with MPI
Amber20 for GPU Installation
This is for running Amber20 on GPU node. After finishing the Amber20 for CPU installation, please follow the following steps to install Amber20 on GPU.
Go to the AMBERHOME home directory environment variable
Load modules and prepare for AMBER20 installation
Go to the amber directory and execute the compilation script for the installation with cuda
After the installation is successful, you can compile parallel (MPI) versions with cuda
Then, recompilation with MPI for GPU
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